cfgSave 1-63
Telnet Commands
cfgSaveSave zone configuration to flash memory.
Syntax cfgSave
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to save the current zone configuration. The
defined configuration and the name of the enabled configuration are
written to flash memory in all switches in the fabric.
The saved configuration is automatically reloaded by the switch on
power-up and, if a configuration was enabled at the time it was
saved, the same configuration is reinstalled with an automatic
cfgEnable command.
Because the saved configuration is reloaded at power-up, only valid
configurations are saved. cfgSave verifies that the enabled
configuration is valid by performing the same tests as cfgEnable. If
the tests fail, an error is displayed and the configuration is not saved.
Tests may fail if a configuration has been modified since the last
This command ends and commits the current transaction. If a
transaction is open on a different switch in the fabric when this
command is run, the transaction on the other switch is automatically
aborted. A message is displayed on the other switch notifying the
transaction abort.
This command requires a Zoning License.
Operands None
Example To enable a zone configuration, then save it:
switch:admin> cfgEnable "Test_cfg"
zone config "Test_cfg" is in effect
switch:admin> cfgSave
Updating flash...
See Also cfgClear