1-426 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
switchBeaconSet switch beaconing mode on or off.
Syntax switchBeacon [mode]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to set the switch beaconing mode on (if the
operand is 1) or off (if the operand is 0).
When beaconing mode is turned on, the port LEDs flash amber in a
running pattern from port 0 to port 15, and then back again. The user
sees a running pattern in amber LEDs, from left to right and right to
left. The pattern continues until turned off by the user.
Beaconing mode affects only the port LEDs. Other commands are still
executable and functional. The normal flashing LED pattern
(associated with an active, faulty or disabled port) is suppressed and
the beaconing pattern is shown. However, if diagnostic frame based
tests (portLoopbackTest, crossPortTest, and spinSilk) are
executed, two patterns are interleaved. The diagnostic test flickers the
LEDs green and simultaneously the beaconing mode runs the LEDs
Use the switchShow command to display the status of beaconing.
Operand This command has the following operand:
Example To turn beaconing mode ON:
switch:admin> switchBeacon 1
To turn beaconing mode OFF:
switch:admin> switchBeacon 0
See Also switchShow
mode Specify 1 to enable beaconmode or 0 to disable
beacon mode. This operand is required.