1-234 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Examples To display the cost of a link, and reset the cost:
switch:admin> linkCost
Slot Interface Cost
2 0 500 (STATIC)
2 1 1000
2 2 500 (STATIC)
2 3 200 (STATIC)
2 4 1000
2 5 1000
2 6 1000
2 7 1000
2 8 1000
2 9 1000
2 10 1000
2 11 (E_PORT) 2000 (STATIC)
2 12 1000
2 13 1000
2 14 1000
2 15 1000
switch:admin> linkCost 2/4 500
switch:admin> linkcost 2/4
Slot 2 Interface 4 Cost 500 (STATIC)
switch:admin> linkcost 2/4 0
Slot 2 Interface 4 Cost 1000
See Also interfaceShow