loopdiagStart 1-237
Telnet Commands
loopdiagStartStart loopdiag application.
Syntax loopdiagStart port
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to start the loopdiag application at the port
specified. It will isolate the loop device before running diagnostics
and report the test result. Error/failu re and statis tics will be reported.
The port must be online prior to initiating the command. The
command will place the port in testing mode and put the port back
online at the end of the test. In the cases when failure occurs in the
management layer, users should issue loopdiagClear to clear any
information from the failure.
Operand This comand has the following operand required:
Example To start the loopdiag application at port 5:
switch:admin> loopdiagStart 5
See Also loopdiagClear
port The physical port number where the loopdiag
application executes. This operand is required.