msTDEnable 1-259
Telnet Commands
msTDEnableEnable the Management Server Topology Discovery Management
Syntax msTdEnable ["ALL"]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to enable the Management Server Topology
Discovery Management Service locally or fabric-wide. This command
enables the Topology Discovery Management Service on the local
switch and commits the change to the flash memory of the local
switch. If the optional operand ALL is given, then the command is
executed on the entire fabric.
Once enabled, even in the event of a reboot, the switch will boot with
the Management Server Topology Discovery Management Service
Topology Discovery Management requires the attached devices that include
attached switches to support the RNID ELS command.
Operands This command has the following operand:
Example To enable the Management Server Topology Discovery service locally
or fabric-wide:
switch:admin> msTdEnable
Committing configuration...done.
switch:admin> msTdEnable "ALL"
Committing configuration...done.
See Also msTdDisable
"ALL" Specify "ALL" to enable the Topology Discovery
Management function on all switch’s in the
fabric. The operand "ALL" must be enclosed in
quotation marks and must be in capital letters.
This operand is optional.