syslogdIpAdd 1-453
Telnet Commands
syslogdIpAddAdd the IP address of a syslog daemon.
Syntax syslogdIpAdd IPaddress
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to add the IP address of a syslog daemon, that is,
the IP address of the server that is running the syslogd process.
Syslog daemon (syslogd) is a process available on most UNIX
systems that reads and forwards system messages to the appropriate
log files and/or users, depending on the system configuration.
When one or more IP addresses are configured, the switch forwards
all error log entries to the syslogd on the specified server(s). Up to
six servers are supported.
Operand This command has the following operand:
Example To add the address to the list of machines to which system
messages are sent:
switch:admin> syslogdIpAdd ""
See Also errShow
IPaddress Specify the IP address of the server running
syslogd. This operand is required.