portStatsShow 1-361
Telnet Commands
portStatsShowDisplay port hardware statistics.
Syntax portStatsShow [slotnumber/]portnumber
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display port hardware statistics counters.
Table 1- 29 portStatsShowHardware Statistics
stat_wtx 4-byte words transmitted.
stat_wrx 4-byte words received.
stat_ftx Frames transmitted.
stat_frx Frames received.
stat_c2_frx Class 2 frames received.
stat_c3_frx Class 3 frames received.
stat_lc_rx Link control frames received.
stat_mc_rx Multicast frames received.
stat_mc_to Multicast time-outs.
stat_mc_tx Multicast frames transmitted.
tim_rdy_pri Time R_RDY high priority.
tim_txcrd_z Time BB_credit zero.
er_enc_in Encoding errors inside frames.
er_crc Frames with CRC errors.
er_trunc Frames shorter than minimum.
er_toolong Frames longer than maximum.
er_bad_eof Frames with bad end-of-frame.
er_enc_out Encoding error outside frames.
er_disc_c3 Class 3 frames discarded.