1-460 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
topologyShowDisplay the unicast fabric topology.
Syntax topologyShow [domainnumber]
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display the fabric topology, as it appears to the
local switch. This includes:
◆A list of all domains that are part of the fabric, and to each of
those domains, all possible paths from the local switch.
◆For each path - cost, the number of hops from the local switch to
the destination switch, name of the destination switch, and a
summary of all ports are routed through that path.
A path is described by the output port that a frame, addressed to a
certain domain, will be forwarded to by the switches’ routing
hardware, in ord er to reach the domain.
With the domain number specified, this command displays the
topology information for the specified destination domain.
The display contains the fields shown in Table1-33:..
Table 1- 33 TopologyShow Fields
Field Description
Domain ID: Domain number of local switch.
Domain: Domain number of destination switch.
Metric: Cost of reaching destination domain.
Name: Name of destination switch.
Count: Number of currently active paths to the destination
Hops: The maximum number of hops to reach destination