1-190 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
fwshowDisplay the thresholds monitored by Fabric Watch.
Syntax fwShow
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display the thresholds monitored by Fabric
Watc h.
In v3.0, this command displays the name, label, and last value for
each Fabric Watch area.
In v4.0, this command can display a synopsis of thresholds for a
particular class, or more detailed information for an individual
This command requires a Fabric Watch License.
Operands None
Example To display the thresholds monitored by Fabric Watch:
switch:admin> fwShow
1 : Show class thresholds
2 : Detail threshold information
3 : Quit
Select an item => : (1..3) [3] 2
Enter Threshold Name : [envFan001] envFan002
Name Label Last value
-------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------
Monitored for: 2369 (39 mins)
Last checked: 19:48:00 on 12/03/1999
Lower bound: 2000 RPM
Upper bound: 3400 RPM
Buffer Size: 3
Value history: 3013 RPM
Raw history: 3013 RPM
3013 RPM
3013 RPM
3013 RPM
3013 RPM
Flags: 0x 40 TRIGGERED