1-124 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
diagShowPrint diagnostic results since the last boot.
Syntax diagshow [-slot slot][-uports itemlist][-bports itemlist]
[-use_bports value]
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display the diagnostics status for the specified
list of blade or user ports.
Operands This command has the following operands:
nSeconds Specify the repeat interval (in seconds) between
executions of diagShow. The default value if no
operand is specified or operand value is 0 is to print
the information once only. This operand is optional.
-slot slot Specify the slot to display. If no slot is specified this
command executes on all slots in the logical switch.
This operand is optional.
Specify a list of user ports to display. This operand
is optional.
Specify a list of blade ports to display. This operand
is optional.
If value is set to none zero, then the diagnostics
status for the blade ports specified in -bports will be
displayed, otherwise the UI ports specified in
-uports is displayed. The default value is 0. This
operand is optional.