2-2 EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
License Telnet Commands
Zoning CommandsThe following commands are available with the purchase of a Zoning
license key. For detailed information about zoning, refer to the EMC
Connectrix Departmental Switch DS-32B2 and Enterprise Director
ED-12000B Zoning User Guide.
Table 2- 1 Zoning Commands
Command Description
Zone Alias
aliAdd Add a member to a zone alias.
aliCreate Create a zone alias.
aliDelete Delete a zone alias.
aliRemove Remove a member from a zone alias.
aliShow Show zone alias definition.
zoneAdd Add a member to a zone.
zoneCreate Create a zone.
zoneDelete Delete a zone.
zoneHelp Display information on zone commands.
zoneRemove Remove a member from a zone.
zoneShow Show zone information.
Zone Configuration
cfgAdd Add a zone to a zone configuration.
cfgCreate Create a zone configuration.
cfgDelete Delete a zone configuration.
cfgRemove Remove a zone from a zone configuration.
cfgShow Show zone configuration definition.
Zone Management
cfgClear Clear all zone configurations.