RX900 S1 Maintenance Manual 365
Intel GbEx1 Gen 1x4 8 x x x x x x
GbEx2Gen 1x48 xx xx xx
GbEx4 Gen 1x4 8 (*2) (*2) x x x x
10GbEx2 Gen 2x8 8 x x x x x x
Chipset IOH#3 IOH#4
Bus scan order 12 11 10 9 17 16 15 14 13
I/O space assigning order within
the I/O Hub (IOH)
12 12
Hot-plug yy yynnnnn
Gen2 width x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x4
Slot # 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Vendor Type PCIe M ax #
LSI SAS 3Gb Gen1x4 3 x x x x
Cougar2 Gen 2x8 1
Gen 2x8 2 x x
Table 8: Expansion card installation recommendation I/O Hubs IOH#3 and IOH#4
Chipset IOH#1 IOH#2
Bus scan order 3 2 1 56478
I/O space assignment order within
the I/O Hub (IOH)
12343 21
Hot-plug nnnnnnnn
Gen2 width x8x8x8x8x8x4x8x8
Slot # 12834567
Vendor Type PCIe Max #
Table 7: Expansion card installation recommendation I/O Hubs IOH#1 and IOH#2