Job preview is available once the job is processed. To access the preview page, click the magnifying glass icon, which appears in the Preview column on the job queue page. The preview page shows the following job details along with a thumbnail preview of the job:
●File name: The file name of the job.
●Loaded paper: The type of paper loaded in the printer.
●Job dimensions: The dimensions of the job.
To see a larger preview of the job, click either the job thumbnail or the magnifying glass icon, which appears on the right hand side of the printer image.
NOTE: Browsers without the Macromedia
Turn off the job queue
You can turn off the queue from the Embedded Web Server, select Setup tab > Printer settings >
Job management > Queue and select Off; or from the front panel: select the Setup menu icon , then Job management options > Enable queue > On/Off.
Select when to print a job in the queue
NOTE: The When To Start Printing options cannot be used with PostScript jobs.
You can select at what point you want to print a file you have in the queue. From the Embedded Web Server, select Setup tab > Printer settings > Start printing; or, from the front panel, select the
Setup menu icon , then Job management options > When to start printing.
There are three options you can select:
●When After Processing is selected, the printer waits until the whole page has been processed and then it starts to print. This is the slowest setting but ensures the best print quality in large or complex prints.
●When Immediately is selected, the printer prints the page as it is processed. This is the quickest setting, but the printer may stop halfway through a print to process data. This setting is not recommended for complex images with dense color.
●When Optimized is selected (this is the default setting), the printer calculates the best time to begin printing the page. It is usually the best compromise between the After Processing and Immediately settings.
Identify a job in the queue
The best way to look at the queue is in the Embedded Web Server (Main tab > Job queue), where you can manage the queue and get full information on every job (by clicking the name of the file).
However, you can also manage the queue from the front panel. To do so, select the Job Queue menu
icon , then Job queue, where you can see a list of the jobs in the queue. Each has an identifier, comprising:
<position in queue>: <image name>
Job queue
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