Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 103
Release 4.5, Revision 2 Selecting Minimum File Size
Guideline: This field can be used to indicate the smallest file that should be stored in this COS.
Explanation: This limit is not enforced and is advisory in nature. If the COS Hints mechanism is
used, minimum file size can be used as a criteria for selecting a COS. Currently, PFTP and FTP
clientsthat support the alloc command will use the size hints when creating a new file. Ensure that
the Minimum File Size and the Maximum File Size do not overlap; otherwise the data placement
may be indeterminate. Maximum File Size
Guideline: This field can be used to indicate the largest file that is to be stored in this COS.
Explanation:IftheEnforceMaxFile Size option is selected, an attempt to perform an operation on
afile that would cause this value to be exceeded will be rejected. The underlying storage hierarchy
shouldbe set up so that the defined storage classes support files of this size in a reasonable fashion.
For details, see Sections 2.9.1 and 2.9.2 on storage class and storage hierarchies. This field can be
usedvia the COS Hints mechanism to affect COS selection. PFTP and FTP clients that support the
alloccommand will use the size hints when creating a new file. Ensure that the Minimum File Size
and the Maximum File Size do not overlap; otherwise the data placement may be indeterminate. Selecting Stage Code
Thisfield determines whether a file is to be staged to the highest level in the storage hierarchy when
thefile is opened. This field can be used via the COS Hints mechanism to affect COS selection. The
valid options are as follows:
Guideline 1: Select theNo Stage option if file to be staged on open is not desired.
Explanation:Data read from the file may come from lower levels in the storage hierarchy if the data
does not already exist at the top level. This option is normally selected if the top level in the
hierarchyis not disk or if the users of files in this COS wish to control staging directly via user stage
Guideline 2:Select theStage on Open option if it is desirable have the entire file staged to the top
level in the hierarchy and to wait until this completes before the open call returns.
Explanation: This would be a commonly selected option when the top level is disk and the files in
thisclass are small to moderate in size. Also, use this option if you want to be guaranteed that the
file is completely and successfully staged. If the stage fails, the open will return with an error.
Guideline 3: Select theStage on Open Async option if you wish to stage the entire file to the top
level in the hierarchy and do not want the open to block.
Explanation:When this option is selected, the file is staged up in increments and the read and write
calls that are accessing this file are blocked only until that portion of the file they wish to operate
onhas been completely staged. Normally, this option would be selected when the top level is disk
andthe files in this class are fairly large in size. This option is only available when the top level in
thehierarchy is disk. If the top level is tape and this option is specified, the No Stage option will be
used instead.