Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
450 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
The following paragraphs discuss each parameter found in the file. Except as noted, each
parameter must be specified. HDM willnot start if a mandatory parameter is omitted. The
configuration parameters can be specified in any order. The keywords must be spelled correctly,
using the specified upper and lower case letters. For example, DescName, not descName or
AclLogName specifies the name of the file used for the ACL log. Typically, this will be/var/hpss/
hdm/hdm<id>/hdm_acl_log. This file contains a record of pending ACL change requests made
through the HPSS interface. The file must exist before HDM is started, but can be empty. The size
ofthe file is unbounded, but typically will be small. This log is very important and should be stored
on a reliable disk.
DestroyLogNamespecifies the name of the file used for the destroy log. Typically,this will be /var/
hpss/hdm/hdm<id>/hdm_destroy_log. This file contains a record of all files on mirrored filesets
that need to be destroyed. The file must exist before HDM is started, but can be empty. If
DestroyLogSize is changed, HDM automatically adjusts the size of the file. This log is very
important and should be stored on a reliable disk.
DestroyLogSize specifies the total number of files in mirrored filesets that are waiting to be
destroyed, thus determining the size of the log file. Because of limitations in DFS SMT, it is not
possible to destroy HPSS files immediately when a destroy event is received. For example, after a
recursiveremove, the number of pending file destroys can become quite large. Once the log is full,
attempts to remove file names and delete the file data will be delayed until the destroy process
clearsthe log. Another consideration occurs when a user's program creates a file, opens it, and then
unlinks it, expecting that when the program exits, the file will go away. HDM must keep an entry
forthis file in the destroy log until the user's process exits. This ties up destroy log entries. For these
reasons, a fairly largeDestroyLogSize should be used. On the other hand, avoid using an
excessivelylarge value because that causes more overhead when deleting files. Also, if the system
hasa heavily loaded archived file system, it may take a while for HDM to get around to destroying
fileson the mirrored file systems. Using a smaller DestroyLogSize tends to fix this problem. A good
startingvalue for DestroyLogSize is 200. The name of this log file is specified by DestroyLogName.
If necessary,DestroyLogSize can be decreased by editing config.dat and restarting HDM.
However,this only works if the new value is large enough to accommodate all of the outstanding
entries in the old destroy log.
EventQueueSizespecifies the maximum number of events HDM can queue for processing. Ideally,
the number should be the sum ofNumDataProcesses,NumNamespProcesses, and
NumAdminProcesses,but it may be a good idea to use a slightly larger number. If the value is too
small,some subprocesses could lie idle. For example, if the queue happens to fill with data events,
then name space processes will lie idle until some of the data events have finished processing. A
value in the range 20-50 is a good starting point.
ExecPath specifies the path name of the directory where HDM executables are located. Typically,
this will be/opt/hpss/bin.
Flagsdefines special flags that control the operation of HDM. The parameter is specified as a series
of keywords, separated by white space. Currently there are two keywords defined:
"permissiveMount" and "stdout".
Whena DFS aggregate is exported and "permissiveMount" is specified, HDM will check its tables
tosee if it manages that aggregate. If not, it assumes that some other HDM manages the aggregate
and relays the event forward. If no other HDMs are prepared to manage the aggregate, it will be
mountedbut will not be kept in sync with HPSS. This flag is required when several HDM servers