Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 47
Release 4.5, Revision 2
For U.S. sites, assuming some level of encryption is desired for secure DCE communication, the
DCEData Encryption Standard (DES) library routines are required. For non-U.S. sites or sites desiring
touse non-DES encryption, the DCE User Data Masking Encryption Facility is required. Note that if
either of these products are ordered, install them on all nodes containing any subset of DCE and/
or Encina software.
If the DCE cell used for HPSS is expected to communicate with other DCE cells theDCE Global
Directory Service andDCE Global Directory Client will also be required.
The following nodes must have DCE installed:
Nodes that run DCE servers
Nodes that run Encina SFS
Nodes that run HPSS servers, including DCE Movers
Nodes that run site-developed client applications that link with the HPSS Client API
Nodes that run NFS clients with DCE Kerberos authentication
The following nodes do not require DCE:
Nodes that only run Non-DCE Mover
Nodes that only run FTP, PFTP, and NFS clients not using DCE authentication
Nodes that run the Non-DCE Client API.
Specific DCE product versions relative to specific versions of operating systems can be found in
Sections through
When laying out a DCE cell, it is best to get the CDS daemon, SEC daemon, and the HPSS core
servers as “close” to each other as possible due to the large amount of communication between
them. If it is feasible, put them all on the same node. Otherwise, use a fast network interconnect,
and shut down any slower interfaces using theRPC_UNSUPPORTED_NETIFS environment
variable in the/etc/environments file (AIX) or the /etc/default/init file (Sun). If the DCE daemons
are on different nodes, at least try to put them on the same subnet. DFS
HPSS uses the Distributed File System (DFS) from the Open Group to provide distributed file
system services.
The following nodes must have DFS installed:
Nodes that run DFS servers
Nodes that run DFS clients
Nodes that run the HPSS/DFS HDM servers