Chapter 8 Initial Startup and Verification
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 469
Release 4.5, Revision 2
8.9.11 Performance
Measure data transfer rates in each COS for:
Client writes to disk
Migration from disk to tape
Staging from tape to disk
Client reads from disk
Transfer rates should be as fast as the underlying hardware. The actual hardware speeds can be
obtained from their specification and by testing directly from the operating system. For example,
usingdd to read and write to each device. Keep in mind that performance testing can often be
limited by other factors external to HPSS. For example, a client reading a file from HPSS may be
limitedby the performance of the UNIX file system while writing the file rather than while reading
the file from HPSS.
8.9.12 The Global Fileset File
Ifthere are any other HPSS systems running in this DCE cell, verify that all of the Name Servers are
sharing the same Global Filesets file.