Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 429
Release 4.5, Revision 2
The format of the<shutdown_info_pathname> file is:
<year> <mon> <day> <hour> <min> <deny> <disc>
Message lines contain keywords mentioned above. For example:
1994 1 28 16 0 120 30
System shutdown at %s (current time is %T)
New FTP sessions denied at %r
FTP users disconnected at %d
indicates that shutdown will be 1/28/94 at 16:00, with users disconnected at 15:30 and
sessions denied at 14:40 (the 120 indicates 1 hour, 20 minutes).
The<when> clauses may be either login (in which case the file is displayed when the user
logsin) or cwd=[<directory_name> | *] (in which case the file is displayed when the user
changes to the named directory, with* wildcarding all directories).
The<times> clause has the following format:
<day><times>-<time> | <day><time>-<time> | . . .
where<day> is one of Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su, Wk, or Any and<time> is the
timeof day on a 24-hour clock. For example, to specify Tuesday between 8:00 am and
4:00 pm:
The Wk entry for the <day> clause indicates a week day (Monday-Friday), andAny
indicates all days of the week.
LLocal hostname
UUser name
sShutdown time
dUser disconnect time
rConnection deny time
Table 7-2 Banner Keywords
Keyword Description