Chapter 5 HPSS Infrastructure Configuration
216 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
WebSphere (Encina TxSeries)
• Sammi
• Java
DCE/DFS server/client machine(s)
HPSS software
Refer to theDCE Version 3.1 Administration Guide and the Encina Server Administration: System
Administrator's Guide and Referencefor more information on installing and configuring DCE and
Refer to Section 3.8:Install and Configure Java and hpssadm on page 175 for more information on
installing Java 1.3.
5.3 Define the HPSS Environment Variables
The HPSS environment variables are defined in two files: The/opt/hpss/config/hpss_env.default
file defines environment variables that may need to be changed by the administrator. The/opt/
hpss/include/hpss_env_defs.hfile defines environment variables that most likely do not need to
be modified. Before running themkhpss script on a node, copy the hpss_env.defaultfile to
hpss_env.Review and edit it to ensure that the variables reflect the local environment. Tooverride
anenvironment variable defined in the hpss_env_defs.h file, redefine the environment variable in
the hpss_env file.
Section 5.3.1: hpss_env.default on page 216 and Section 5.3.2:hpss_env_defs.h on page 221 list the
verbatim contents of these two files.
The utility/opt/hpss/config/hpss_set_env is provided to help managing the HPSS environment
hpss_set_env [-all] [-def] [-set] | ENVNAME
Where: -all Show current HPSS environment values
-def Show all HPSS default environment values
-set Set HPSS default environment values
ENVNAME Display current value for ENVNAME

5.3.1 hpss_env.default

The following is a verbatim listing of thehpss_env.default file:
# static char SccsId[] = “ @(#)34 3.42 config/hpss_env.default, gen, 4.5 8/21/01