Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
302 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Location Map Update
Interval Intervalin seconds that the
LS rereads general server
configuration metadata.
Any positive integer value. 300
Advice: If this value is set too low, a load will be put on SFS while reading
configuration metadata and the LS will be unable to contact all remote LSs within
the timeout period. If set too high, new servers will not be registered in a timely
manner. Set this value higher if timeouts are occurring during remote LS
Maximum Request
Threads The maximum number of
concurrent client requests
Any positive integer greater than 2
and less than or equal to 400 100
Advice: If the LS is reporting heavy loads, increase this number. If this number is
above 300, consider replicating the LS on a different machine. Note if this value is
changed, the general configuration thread value should be adjusted as well.
Maximum Location Map
Threads The maximum number of
threads allocated to
contact remote LSs
Any positive integer value. 5
Advice:This value does not need to be changed unless there are defined remote sites
and the system is experiencing timeout problems contacting the remote LS.
Location Map Timeout Maximum amount of time
in seconds to wait for a
single remote LS to return
location map information.
Any positive integer value. 120
Advice: This value should only be changed if the system is experiencing very long
delays while contacting remote Location Servers.
Site File (SFS) The Encina SFS filename
of the Remote HPSS Site
Any valid Encina SFS filename. /.:/encina/sfs/
HPSS ID The unique identifier
(UUID) for this HPSS
Any valid UUID value. A random
Advice:If you change this value, make sure it is unique. This value is used by remote
HPSS sites to connect to your HPSS site.
Site Name Descriptive name of the
local HPSS installation Any string value None (““)
Advice:Pick a name to uniquely describe the HPSS system. This name is needed for
Remote Site Policy configuration to support federated name space.
Table 6-9 Location Policy Configuration Variables (Continued)
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default