Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 255
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Figure 6-2 HPSS Logon Window
6.3 Global Configuration
The HPSS Global Configuration metadata record provides important information that is used by
all HPSS servers. This is the first configuration that must be done through SSM.

6.3.1 Configure the Global Configuration Information

The global configuration information can be configured using the HPSS Global Configuration
window. After the information has been created, it can be updated.
Due to the importance of the global configuration metadata, great care must be taken before
updating it once the system is configured. If the global configuration is updated,all HPSS
components, (including SSM) must be recycled.
It is possible to delete the global configuration metadata; however, this should never be done.
Fromthe HPSS Health and Status window (shown in Figure 6-1 on page 252), click on the Admin
menu, select the Configure HPSS option and click on the Global option. The HPSS Global
Configuration window will be displayed as shown in Figure 6-3 on page 256.
Ifthe "Add" button is sensitive (not grayed out) when this window opens, no global configuration
exists yet, and you may create it. The fields contain default values. To create the configuration,
modify the defaults if necessary, then click on the "Add" button. The result of the request will be
displayed on the message line at the bottom of the window.
Ifthe "Update" buttons is sensitive, the configuration already exists, and you may view or update
it. To update the displayed configuration, modify the desired fields, then click on the "Update"
button. The result of the request will be displayed on the message line.
Referto the window's help file for more information on the individual fields and buttons as well as
the supported operations available from the window.