Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 133
Release 4.5, Revision 2 Disk Space Requirements for Core files and Encina Trace Buffers
The /var/hpss/adm/core is the default directory where HPSS creates core and Encina trace files
resulting from subsystem error conditions. The actual size of the files differ depending on the
subsystemsinvolved, but it is recommended that there should be at least 512 MB reserved for this
purposeon the core server node and at least 256 MB on Mover nodes. This directory should also be
analyzed periodically to remove any old core files or Encina trace buffers. Disk Space Requirements for HPSS Files
The/var/hpss/etc is the default directory where some of the additional Unix configuration files are
placed. These files are typically very small.
The/var/hpss/tmp is the default directory where the Startup Daemon creates a lock file for each of
the HPSS servers it brought up in the node. These lock files are typically very small. Disk Space Requirements for Running Log Daemon
The Log Daemon will create two central log files in the directory specified in its configuration,
usually/var/hpss. The size of these log files are also specified in its configuration, usually 5
megabytes each. Disk Space Requirements for Running Log Client
EachLog Client will create one local log file in the directory specified in its configuration, usually /
var/hpss. The size of the local log file is also specified in its configuration, usually 5 megabytes. Disk Space Requirements for Running MPS
Ifthe migration/purge report is configured, the MPS will generate a migration/purge report every
24hours. The size of these reports varies depending on the number of files being migrated/purge
during the report cycle. These reports should be configured to be written into the/var/hpss/mps
directory and should be removed when no longer needed. Disk Space Requirements for Running GK
Ifthe Gatekeeper Server is configured to do Gatekeeping Services, then the site may wish to create
asite policy configuration file specified in the Gatekeeper Server configuration record, usually /var/
hpss/gk/gksitepolicy. The size of this file depends on the site-implemented gatekeeping policy. Disk Space Requirements for Running an Accounting Report
Ifan Accounting report is requested, a report file and a checkpoint file are created in the directory
specifiedin the Accounting Policy, usually /var/hpss/acct. The sizes of these files depend upon the
number of files stored in HPSS.