Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 423
Release 4.5, Revision 2
possible, use a “TCP Wrapper” application for initiating the HPSS FTP Daemon. This
enhances on-the-fly changes to the startup of the HPSS FTP Daemon. Additionally, this
provides for enhanced security. Several TCP Wrapper applications are available in the
Public domain.
HPSS Parallel FTP Daemon options:
The only options which accept additional arguments are the–p,-s,-D, and –F options. The–p
requires a port number (decimal value) while the otherD and F options expect strings <
MAXPATHLEN characters in length. The syntax on the –s option is explained below and should
be handled carefully or indeterminate errors may occur! No space is allowed between the option
andthe value. NOTE: that using long strings MAY cause severe problems for inetd! Each of these
fouroptions MUST be preceded by a space and a “-“. In general, it is recommended that these four
options NOT be used!
Allthe other options should be specified by a single “-“ at the start and the concatenation of options
(e.g., “-abdddhtuvzARSTUX” – Not necessarily in that order)
NOTEthe three consecutive “d”s imply to “syslog” as much debug information as possible. See
the explanation below for the “d” option.
Table 7-1 Parallel FTP Daemon Options
Option Description
aMandate Authentication with DCE/Kerberos Credentials -
Disable{Username}/{Password} authentication. This also disables the
user command.
bRead thehpss_option BUFSZ <value> option from the {ftpaccess}
fileto obtain the path/name of the size specification to be used. Refer to
documentation on the {ftpaccess} file for more details.
dTurnon Debugging - Increments environment variable HPSS_DEBUG
and setsHPSS_DEBUGPATH=FTPBaseDir/adm/hpss_ftpd.log.
Seeoption -D for details on FTPBaseDir. This option may be repeated
up to 3 times. Each specification increases the detail of debug
information sent to the syslog.NOTE: the information in the syslog is
subject to the specifications in/etc/syslog.conf. For the most
information, specify *.debug in/etc/syslog.conf.
hSearchthe ftpaccess file for the HOST specifier - Defines the network
interface to be used for data transferred between the PFTPD and the
Movers when performing non-parallel transfers.hpss_option HOST
<interface name> option sets theHPSS_HOSTNAME environment
variable for the Client API. Refer to documentation on theftpaccess
file for details.
p# Specifya port to be used by the HPSS PFTP Daemon. Used only when
initiating the Daemon manually (rather than usinginetd).