Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 365
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Buffer Size The size of a single data
cache entry. Any positive 32-bit integer value. 500 KB
Advice:This value is the amount of data read from and written to HPSS by the data
cachelayer at a time. Is is recommended that this value be a multiple of 8 KB and, if
possible,a power of 2. When multiplied by the number of Memory Buffers, this value
isthe amount of memory that will be used by the data cache layer. When multiplied
by the number of Cache Entries, it represents the amount of disk space used by the
Cache file.
Cache Entries The number of data cache
entries stored on local
Any positive 32-bit integer value. 100
Advice:When multiplied by the Buffer Size, this value represents the amount of disk
used to hold the data cache entries locally in the Cache file.
Memory Buffers The number of buffers to
allocate in memory. Any positive 32-bit integer value. 10
Advice:When multiplied by the Buffer Size, this value represents the RAM used to
hold cache entries while they are being worked on. This value must be at least 3.
Cache File (Unix) Thename of a local UNIX
disk file that contains the
cached entries.
Anyvalid, fully qualified UNIX file
name. /var/hpss/nfs/
Advice:The size ofthis file can be determined bymultiplying BufferSize by Cache
CheckPoint File (Unix) Thename of a local UNIX
disk file that contains the
status information for the
cachedentries stored in the
Cache file. Its size is
related to the number of
thecached entries, but it is
much smaller than the
Cache file.
Anyvalid, fully qualified UNIX file
name. /var/hpss/nfs/
Cleanup Threads The number of threads
dedicated to writing dirty
cache entries back to
Any positive 32-bit integer value. 1
Advice: This value should be small because extra, temporary cleanup threads are
spawned as needed. Each non-temporary cleanup thread wakes up every Thread
Interval seconds to look for dirty entries.
Table 6-28 NFS Daemon Configuration Variables (Continued)
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default