Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 317
Release 4.5, Revision 2 Storage Hierarchy Configuration Variables
Table 6-13 lists the fields on the Storage Hierarchy Configuration window and provides specific
recommendations for configuring the Storage Hierarchy for use by HPSS.

Table 6-13 Storage Hierarchy Configuration Variables

Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default
Hierarchy ID The unique, numeric ID
associated with this
Any unique, non-zero, positive 32-
bit integer value. Last
plus 1.
Hierarchy Name The descriptive name
associated with this
Any character string up to 31 bytes
in length. Hierarchy ID
Advice: A hierarchy’s descriptive name should be meaningful to local site
administrators and operators.
Top Storage Class The name of the storage
class associated with the
top level in the hierarchy.
Any configured storage class name. None
Mid-Top Storage Class The name of the storage
class associated with the
mid-top level in the
Any configured storage class name. None
Middle Storage Class The name of the storage
class associated with the
middle level in the
Any configured storage class name. None
Mid-Bottom Storage Class The name of the storage
class associated with the
mid-bottom level in the
Any configured storage class name. None
Bottom Storage Class The name of the storage
class associated with the
bottom level in the
Any configured storage class name. None
Advice: No two hierarchy levels can reference the same storage class.