Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 323
Release 4.5, Revision 2 Configure File Family Variables

Table 6-15 describes the file family variables.
6.8 Specific Server Configuration
In addition to creating the basic server configuration entries, a specific server configuration entry
must be created for each HPSS server of the following types:
Bitfile Server
DMAP Gateway
• Gatekeeper
Log Client
Log Daemon
Metadata Monitor
Migrate/Purge Server

Table 6-15 Configure File Family Variables


Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default

Family ID An unsigned non-zero
integerwhich serves as
a unique identifier for
this file family. A
unique default value is
provided, which may
be overwritten if
desired. However, if an
ID which is already in
use by another file
family is specified, the
Add request will fail.
This field may only be
modified in Add mode.
Any non-zero, positive 32-bit
integer value. Last configured family ID plus 1
Family Name A text string which
serves as a descriptive
identifier for this file
family. The name
should be unique
among all file families.
The name should also
be informative.
A character string up to 31
characters in length. File Family “ID”