Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
458 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Block devices:
2 fd
3 ide0
8 sd
22 ide1
65 sd
66 sd
The block device that matches our major number (3) iside0.
3. Now put this information together to form the media descriptor. Since the format is
<adapter>(<major>,<minor>), for our example the media descriptor is ide0(3,71).
Optionspecifies how the filesets on the filesystem will be managed by HPSS. The parameter may
be eitherarchive/delete, or archive/rename. In either case, only files are archived by HPSS (not
directories), and the files can only be accessed from XFS. Ifarchive/delete is selected, any files
deleted from XFS will also be deleted from HPSS. Ifarchive/rename is selected, any file deleted
fromXFS is not deleted from HPSS, but renamed instead. This allows for the possibility of restoring
a file later, if it was accidentally deleted.
MigratePolicy andPurgePolicy specify the name of the policies that will be used to migrate and
purge files on this aggregate. The name of the migrate policy must appear in the MigratePolicy
sectionof policy.dat, and the name for the purge policy must appear in the PurgePolicy section of
thefile. In the example above, the names of the policies are wait and run, but these names have no
specialmeaning to HDM. Section policy.dat File on page 459 discusses policy.dat in detail.
MPQueueSize specifies the number of entries the HDM will allocate in shared memory for
trackingmigration and purge candidates. Refer to Section Migration/Purge Algorithms and
the MPQueue on page 444 for information and advice regarding this parameter.
Ftid specifies the fileset ID. The parameter is specified in the form <high>.<low>, where <high>
and<low> are numbers representing the high and low 32 bits for the fileset ID. This ID should be
the same as the fileset Id of the HPSS fileset.
Whena fileset is only partially configured, the global mount point is represented by a ‘?’. Typically,
thishappens only for a short period of time while the administrator is setting up the HPSS fileset.
Tocomplete the configuration, an administrator will create the HPSS fileset using either SSM or the
create_fset utility.
Anadministrator must not edit filesys.dat to "fix" the "?"s! This data will be assigned when the
HPSS fileset is created.
Gatewayspecifies the fully qualified name of the host where the DMAP Gateway that will manage
this fileset runs. If the fileset is partially configured, the host name is represented by a ‘?’. That
prevents end users from accessing the XFS filesystem. To complete the configuration, an
administrator will use SSM to create the HPSS fileset.
Port specifies the TCP port that the DMAP Gateway uses to listen for requests from HDM.
Conventionally,this is 7001. Do not confuse this port number with the port number used by HDM
tolisten for requests from the DMAP Gateway (6002). Until the fileset is fully configured, the port
will be shown as zero.