Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
428 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Thefollowing “hpss_options areread only if the corresponding flag (See the FTP Daemon Flags
above) appears on the inetd.conf initialization line for the HPSS PFTP Daemon and may be left
“active” (not commented out with the # symbol) even if the default value is desired.
# Define the Authentication Manager
hpss_option AMGR </opt/hpss/bin/auth_type>
# Define the default Blocksize in Bytes
hpss_option BUFSZ <value>
# Define the default timeout in Seconds
hpss_option DTO <value>
# Disallow HINTS processing, the default with this option is on
hpss_option HINTS off
# Define the Location Server RPC Group Entry (Mandatory)
hpss_option LS </.:/hpss/ls/group>
# Define an alternative Site Name
hpss_option SITE </.../>
# Define the HPSS FTP Principal
hpss_option PRINC <hpss-ftp>
# Define the Maximum timeout in Seconds
hpss_option MTO <value>
# Define the default umask
hpss_option UMASK <value>
# Define the Keytab table name.
hpss_option KTAB <Path/Name of HPSS Keytab file containing the hpss_ftp
# Define the FTPD - Mover Network Interface to be used for
# non-parallel FTP transfers. Defaults to the interface associated
# with the “hostname” of the machine running the HPSS PFTP Daemon.
hpss_option HOST <myhost-fddi>
Message/readme/banner/shutdown (message lines) are text files, with the following
keywords (all one character in length) recognized, identified by a preceding%:
Table 7-2 Banner Keywords
Keyword Description
MClass limit
TCurrent time on FTP Daemon
CCurrent working directory
RRemote hostname