Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
298 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Event—defines an informational message (e.g., subsystem initializing, subsystem
terminating). Typically, the policy would be to send events to both the log and to SSM for
displaying in the HPSS Alarms and Events window (Figure 1-5 on page 38 of theHPSS
Management Guide).
Status- defines a status message to be output in a pop-up window or to the log. Typically,
the policy would be to not send these messages to the log or to the screen. Currently, this
message type is only used by the Accounting.
The following log message types can be specified for logging:
Debug—defines a lower-level error message. For troubleshooting, these messages are
important record types because they provide more detailed information about the root
cause of an error. Typically, the policy would be to not send these messages to the log.
Request—used to log the fact that a particular client or server request is being processed.
Typically, the policy would be to send these messages to the log.
Security—used to log security related events (e.g., authorization failures). Typically, the
policy would be to notsend these messages to the log.
Accounting—used to log accounting information. This record type is not currently used.
Trace—used to trace any type of entry/exit processing flows. Typically, the policy would
be to notsend these messages to the log.
The Logging Policy can be created using the HPSS Logging Policies window. After the Logging
Policy is created, it can be viewed, updated, or deleted through the same window.
Fromthe HPSS Servers window (shown in Figure 6-5), select a server and click on the Log Policy...
TheLogging Policy window will be displayed as shown in Figure 6-11. For configured server, click
on theName of Server to Which Policy Applies popup button and select the desired server. The
Logging Policy for a configured server may also be accessed from the HPSS Servers window, and
from the Basic Server Configuration window for that server. With either of the last two methods,
the Logging Policy window opens with the server name already filled in.
For non-configured servers or utilities, simply type a server name into theName of Server to
Which Policy Applies field, and pressEnter.
Referto the window’s help file for more information on the individual fields and buttons as well as
the supported operations available from the window.
Oncea Logging Policy is created or updated, it will not be in effect until its associated Log Client is
startedor reinitialized. The Log Client associated with a particular policy is the one which executes
on the same host as the server to which the policy applies. The Reinitialize button on the HPSS
Serverswindow(Figure 1-1 on page 20 of the HPSS Management Guide) can be used to reinitialize a
running Log Client.