Appendix A Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 481
Release 4.5, Revision 2
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer/Cycles
RMI Remote Method Invocation; the Java form of remote procedure call
RMI registry The service with which Java programs register themselves to run remote
methods and by which they find the locations of other Java programs
which offer remote methods.
RMS Removable Media Service
RPC Remote Procedure Call
Sammi A commercial software product group from Kinesix Corporation that
manages the graphical user interface to SSM in conjunction with the SSM
Data Server.
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
security A log record message type used to log security related events (e.g.,
authorization failures). The default logging policy is to log security
SFS Structured File Server
SGI Silicon Graphics
shelf tape A cartridge which has been physically removed from a tape library, but
whose file metadata still resides in HPSS.
shutdown An HPSS SSM administrative operation that causes a server to stop its
execution gracefully.
sink The set of destinations to which data is sent during a data transfer (e.g.,
disk devices, memory buffers, network addresses).
SMC SCSI Medium Changer
SMIT System Management Interface Tool
SNL Sandia National Laboratories
SOID Standard Object ID. An internal HPSS storage object identifier that
uniquely identifies a storage resource.
source Theset of origins from which data is received during a data transfer (e.g.,
disk devices, memory buffers, network addresses).
SP Scalable Processor
SS Storage Server
SSA Serial Storage Architecture