Chapter 5 HPSS Infrastructure Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 237
Release 4.5, Revision 2
* HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_LOG_THREADS - Number of threads to create per client
* to process the queue of notifications
* of alarms, events, and status messages
* HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_TAPE_THREADS - Number of threads to create per client
* to process the queue of notifications
* of tape mounts and unmounts
* HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_TAPE_CHECKIN_THREADS - Number of threads to create per
* client to process the queue of
* notifications of tape check-in and
* check-out requests
* The HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_*_SIZE_MAX variables define the maximum size to which
* each queue is allowed to grow. Once the queue reaches that limit, incoming
* notifications will be stalled until the queue size shrinks.
* HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_DATA_SIZE_MAX - Maximum queue size for notifications
* of changes in managed object attributes
* HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_LIST_SIZE_MAX - Maximum queue size for notifications
* of changes to the server list, drive
* list, class of service list, storage
* class list, hierarchy list, migration
* policy list, or purge policy list
* HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_LOG_SIZE_MAX - Maximum queue size for notifications
* of alarms, events, or status messages
* HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_TAPE_SIZE_MAX - Maximum queue size for notifications
* of tape mounts and unmounts
* HPSS_NOTIFY_Q_TAPE_CHECKIN_SIZE_MAX - Maximum queue size for
* notifications of tape check-in and
* check-out requests
* Data Server Specific
* These variables are required for the Data Server regardless of whether
* it supports hpssadm or not:
* HPSS_ALARMS_SSMDS- File to store Sammi Alarms/Events
* NULL -> DS will store internally
* HPSS_PORT_SSMDS- Sun RPC address for the Data Server
* These variables are required for the Java DS and the hpssadm utility:
* HPSS_PATH_SSM - unix path name for data server files
* HPSS_SSMDS_COUNTRY- Country for Java internationalization
* HPSS_SSMDS_LANGUAGE- Language for Java internationalization