Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
452 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Innormal operation, only alarm and event messages need to be enabled. Trace and debug messages
should be enabled when it is necessary to track down the root cause of a problem. Logging too
many different types of messages will impact HDM performance.
MainLogNamespecifies the name of the file used for the main event log. Typically,this will be /var/
hpss/hdm/hdm<id>/hdm_main_log.This file contains a record of all name space events for which
processinghas not yet completed. The file must exist before the HDM is started, but can be empty.
IfMainLogSize is changed, HDM automatically adjusts the size of the file as needed. This log is
veryimportant and should be stored on a reliable disk. Also, since the file is frequently updated by
HDM, it should be stored on a low latency disk.
MainLogSize specifies the total number of name space events that can be handled concurrently.
While an event is being processed, information about the event is stored in a log file. When HDM
restartsafter a crash, it reads the log to determine what must be done to synchronize the DFS and
HPSS name spaces. If too small a value is chosen for the log size, HDM may occasionally have to
waitfor a log entry to become available before it can process a name space event. There is no reason
toselect a value much larger than NumNamespProcesses. A value between 10-25 is a good starting
point.If necessary, the value of this parameter can be decreasedby editing config.datand restarting
HDM.However, this only works if the new value of MainLogSize is large enough to accommodate
all of the outstanding events in the old event log. The name of this log file is specified by
If both the event log and event queue become full, event processing can not be done, and HDM
will return an error to the DFS SMT.
MaxFilesetsspecifies the maximum number of filesets HDM can support. The number must be at
leastas large as the number of filesets on the dmlfs aggregates at the site. A larger value can be used
ifadding new filesets is anticipated. However, using a value that is too large adds overhead to event
processing. For XFS, the value of this parameter should be identical to the value defined for
MaxFileSystems specifies the maximum number of DFS aggregates or XFS filesystems the HDM
cansupport. For DFS, this number must be at least as large as the number of dmlfs aggregates on
theDFS File Server. A larger value can be used if adding new aggregates is anticipated. For XFS, it
should be large enough to accomodate the planned number of XFS filesystems, andMaxFilesets
must be set to the same value. If the value must be changed, HDM must be restarted before the
change takes effect.
MaxGatewaysdetermines the maximum number of entries allowed in the gateways.dat. Since it is
recommendedto have two entries for each DMG (one with the short name and one with the fully-
qualified name) and one entry for each administrative machine, this value should be at least 3. If
this value is too small, the HDM will not start, so try to use the same number as there are lines in
MaxMsgFileSize specifies the maximum size in bytes of the message log files. When writing to a
log file will exceed this size, the message logger automatically switches to the other log file. If the
value forMaxMsgFileSize is too small, potentially useful information will be lost as older
messages are overwritten with new ones. A good starting value is 5000000.
MaxPolicies specifies the maximum number of migration and purge policies that can be handled
byHDM. The value should be large enough to accommodate all of the purge and migration policies
defined inpolicy.dat. (There is no need to make this value larger than the sum of these policies.)