Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 59
Release 4.5, Revision 2
2.5.3 FTP
HPSS provides an FTP server that supports standard FTP clients. Extensions are also provided to
allow additional features of HPSS to be utilized and queried. Extensions are provided for
specifyingClass of Service to be used for newly created files, as well as directory listing options to
display Class of Service and Accounting Code information. In addition, thechgrp,chmod, and
chown commands are supported asquote site options.
The FTP server is built on top of the Client API and must be run on a machine that supports DCE
and Encina clients. Note that FTP clients can run on computers that do not have DCE and Encina
Theconfiguration of the FTP server allows the size of the buffer to be used for reading and writing
HPSSfiles to be specified. The buffer size selected can have a considerable impact on both system
performanceand the amount of metadata generated when writing directly to a tape Storage Class.
See Sections 2.8.6 and 2.11 for further information.
TheGSSFTP from MIT is supported if the appropriate HPSS FTP Daemon and related processes are
implemented. This client provides credential-based authentication and “Cross Cell”
authentication to enhance security and “password-less” FTP features.
Refer to theHPSS User ’s Guidefor details of the FTP interface.
2.5.4 Parallel FTP
The FTP server also supports the new HPSS Parallel FTP (PFTP) protocol, which allows the PFTP
client to utilize the HPSS parallel data transfer mechanisms. This provides the capability for the
clientto transfer data directly to the HPSS Movers (i.e., bypassing the FTP Daemon), as well as the
capability to stripe data across multiple client data ports (and potentially client nodes). Data
transfers are supported TCP/IP. Support is also provided for performing partial file transfers.
The PFTP protocol is supported by the HPSS FTP Daemon. Refer to Section 7.3: FTP Daemon
Configuration (page 422) for configuration information. No additional configuration of the FTP
Daemon is required to support PFTP clients.
The client side executable for PFTP is pftp_client.pftp_client supports TCP based transfers.
Becausethe client executable is a superset of standard FTP, standard FTP requests can be issued as
well as the PFTP extensions.
The“krb5_gss_pftp_client” and MIT GSSFTP clients are supported by the hpss_pftpd_amgr and
theauth_krb5gss Authentication Manager. These clients provide credential-based authentication
and “Cross Cell” authentication for enhanced security and “password-less” FTP features.
Refer to theHPSS User ’s Guidefor details of the PFTP interface.
2.5.5 NFS
The HPSS NFS interface implements versions 2 and 3 of the Network File System (NFS) protocol
for access to HPSS name space objects and bitfile data. The NFS protocol was developed by Sun
Microsystemsto provide transparent remote access to shared file systems over local area networks.
Becausethe NFS designers wanted a robust protocol that was easy to port, NFS is implemented as