Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
426 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
HPSS.) Most of these applications, do not exhibit the line length limitation observed by the inetd
superdaemonand they also allow “on the fly” modification of initialization parameters for network services;
e.g., PFTP,telnet, etc., without having to refresh (kill -HUP) the inetd superdaemon.
The“-D string” option which will allow specification of the {FTPBaseDir} (Default: /var/hpss/ftp)
and the “-F string” option which will specify the name of theftpaccess file (Default: ftpaccess in
the{FTPBaseDir}/etc directory.) The ftpaccess file will be in the directory specified by
{FTPBaseDir}/etc. Default:/var/hpss/ftp/etc.
Two or more Parallel FTP Daemons (with different options) may be utilized by specifying a
different {ftpaccess} file for each. This can be done by specifying different ports and using the/etc/
inetd.conffile with multiple unique FTP entries or by using the same port but invoking a different
option set based on the address(es) of the client (if the “TCP Wrapper” facilities are used.)
Step 2. Configuring the FTP Daemon Syslog
TheFTP Daemon attempts to write to the system log (using syslog()). To enable this output, follow
local system procedures for capturing this information. T he default syslog isLOG_DAEMON.
This is modifiable to other options using the –s option on the startup line. NOTE the precautions
Step 3. Defining the FTP Access
The {FTPBaseDir}/etc/{ftpaccess}file defines: access, options, and restrictions for the server. An
ftpaccess.template file is provided in the$HPSS_DIR/config/template directory for the HPSS
Administratorto customize appropriately. The pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line is used to
indicate a comment. Options are invoked by removing the comment symbol (#) and conversely
disabled by introducing this symbol. Some options are specific to individual machines; therefore,
eachHPSS Parallel FTP Daemon should read its own {ftpaccess} file. It is important not to use NFS
for the {ftpaccess} file if you use the “-h” option(hpss_option HOST <interface name>) in the
HPSSPFTPD start options! If the HPSS PFTP Daemon specifies any of the “-L, -K, -P, or -h” options,
the {ftpaccess} file must have the appropriate and correcthpss_option record or unpredictable
failures may occur. Note that the -L option is mandatory.
The access options can be defined as follows:
# Define users as being guests (which means they cannot
# cd out of their own subdirectory).
guestgroup <group> [ <group> ... ]
# Set up user automatically into specified group.
autogroup <group> <class> [ <class> ... ]
# Set the maximum number of login attempts before closing the
# connection:
loginfails <login_failure_threshold>
# Setup a private group file