Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 271
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Maximum Connections The highest number of
connection contexts this
server can establish.
Any positive 32-bit
integer value. BFS - 200
DMG- 100
GK - 200
Log Client - 10
Log Daemon- 10
LS - 20
MMON - 10
Mount Daemon - 10
MPS - 10
MVR - 20
NDCG -20
NFS Daemon - 20
NS - 200
PVL - 20
PVR - 20
SS - 20
SSM - 100
Startup Daemon - 10
Advice: This value should be set based on the anticipated number of concurrent
clients. Too large a value may slow down the system.
Table 6-3 Basic Server Configuration Variables (Continued)
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default