Chapter 3 System Preparation
166 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
particularly useful if both low speed and high speed interfaces are available to the client host and
the PFTP data transfers should use the high speed interfaces.
ThePFTP Client Interfaces ={…}stanza contains several configuration options for the pftp_client
and/orkrb5_gss_pftp_client executables.
SubStanzas refer to thehostname(s) associated with the local system.
Sections refer to theParallel FTP Daemon hostname(s).
For HPSS, this is not necessarily the name of the Mover(s).
SubSections specify Dot Notation IP Addresses of the interfaces on the local host to be used. For
HPSS,all of these interfaces must be able to connect to the Mover(s). NOTE: If and only if a specific
COSis specified, these interfaces need only provide connection to the Mover(s) associated with the
specific COS.
PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza Rules:
Sourcehostnames may contain one or more hostnames separated by white spaces (subject
to the 128 character limit).
"Default" is a reserved notation to be used if the local host is not in the Stanza.
Table 3-3 PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza FieldsConfiguration Type Abbreviated Description
Stanza (Compound) PFTP Client Interfaces = {
Reserved Stanza specifier.
Must be terminated with a matching “}”
(Compound) <Hostname> <hostname.domain> = {
E.g.my_host ={
Contains the hostname(s) executing the PFTP Client.
Must be terminated with a matching “}”
(Compound) <PFTP_Daemon_host>
<PFTP_Daemon_host.domain> = { = {
Contains the hostname(s) executing the PFTP Daemon.
Must be terminated with a matching “}”
SubSection <Dotted IP Address>
Contains the Dot Notation IP Address specification for the
interface on the local host to use to connect to the Mover(s)
associated with the PFTP Daemon.