Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 453
Release 4.5, Revision 2
MaxStagesspecifies the maximum number of data event processes that can concurrently stage files
from HPSS to Episode. When this limit is reached, further transfers from HPSS are deferred until
oneof the stages completes. This value must be less than NumDataProcesses. A value in the range
1-3 is a good starting point.
MaxTcpConnects specifics the maximum number of simultaneous requests to mirrored filesets
managed by this HDM allowed through the HPSS interface. If the value for this parameter is too
small, an HPSS user request may occasionally fail. A good starting value is 200.
MinArchiveMigrationSize defines the minimum file size that will be migrated into an archived
fileset. If the migration process is taking too much CPU time, use this parameter to prevent small
files from being migrated.
MsgFileDirectory specifies the path name of the directory where HDM error message files are
located. Typically, this will be/var/hpss/hdm/hdm<id>. The log files will be named
hdm_message.0,hdm_message.1, etc. The number of these files is controlled by
NumMessageFiles. IfMsgFileDirectory is left blank, the HDM will not write messages to the
message files. In this situation, thestdout flag should be defined so that messages appear
somewhere. But remember that using thestdout flag is discouraged, so it is better to provide a
value forMsgFileDirectory.
NumAdminProcessesspecifies the number of HDM subprocesses that will be assigned to handle
administration events, such as mounting and unmounting file systems. The value, 2, is a good
starting point.
NumDataProcesses specifies the number of HDM subprocesses that will be assigned to handle
events involving data requests, mainly read and write events. The value selected must be large
enough to allow a reasonable amount of I/O overlap. Remember that, at any given time, some
number of these processes may be busy staging data from HPSS (MaxStages). The value, 8, is a
good starting point.
NumMessageFilesspecifies the number of files that HDM will use to write error messages. Unlike
theother parameters, this parameter is optional. If it is not supplied, error messages will be written
to two files. Message files will appear in the directory named byMsgFileDirectory, and the files
will be namedhdm_message.0,hdm_message.1,hdm_message.2, etc.
NumNamespProcessesspecifies the number of HDM subprocesses that will be assigned to handle
eventsinvolving changes to the name space. These events include file creates, deletes, renames, and
permission changes. The value, 8, is a good starting point.
RegisterBitmapis a 64-bit number, expressed in the form "<high>.<low>", where <high> and
<low> are integers providing the high and low 32 bits of the number. This field is not currently
used, and should be set to 0.0.
SharedMemoryKey is an integer that defines a key used by HDM subprocesses to attach to the
sharedmemory segment initialized by the main process. The key is also used to identify the HDM
semaphoreset. If a value of zero is listed in the file, a default key with the value, 3789, is substituted.
Ifonly one HDM is running on a machine, use zero for this parameter; this ensures that HDM and
hdm_adminuse the same key. The default setting can be changed with the environment variable,