Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
300 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
6.6.5 Configure the Location Policy
All of the Location Servers at the local HPSS site share the same Location Policy. The Location
Policy is used by the Location Servers to determine how and how often information should be
updated. In general, most of the default values for the policy can be used as defined.
TheLocation Policy can be created using the Location Policy window. After the Location Policy is
created, it can be viewed, updated, or deleted through the same window.
Fromthe HPSS Health and Status window (shown in Figure 6-1), click on the Admin menu, select
theConfigure HPSS option and click on the Location Policy option. The Location Policy window
will be displayed as shown in Figure 6-12. If the Location Policy does not exist, the fields will be
displayedwith default values for a new policy. Otherwise, the configured policy will be displayed.
Toadd a new policy, change the default fields as desired and click on the Add button to createthe
Toupdate an existing policy, modify the desiredfields and click on the Update button to write the
changes to the SFS file.
To delete an existing policy, click on theDelete button to delete the policy.
Referto the window’s help file for more information on the individual fields and buttons as well as
the supported operations available from the window.
Record Types
to Log Recordtypes that are to be
logged for the specified
Any combination of the
following: Alarm, Event,
Request, Security,
Accounting, Debug,
Trace, Status.
Advice:It is recommended that at least the Alarm, Event, Security and Status
record types be selected for all servers while they are running normally.
Additional record types for debugging purposes should be selected for servers
experiencing problems. If system performance is being degraded by excessive
logging,first filter out Trace, Debug and Request record types from all servers.
Other record types can be filtered out as necessary. However, the HPSS
administratormay lose useful debugging information when problems occurred.
Record Types
for SSM Recordtypes that are to be
sent to SSM for display. Any combination of the
following: Alarm, Event,
Advice:If SSM or system performance is degraded because excessive messages
arebeing sent to SSM by a particular server(s), set the Logging Policy to filter
outAlarm and Event record types. However, the HPSS administrator will lose
visibility into any subsequent Alarm or Event messages from that server(s).

Table 6-8 Logging Policy Configuration Variables (Continued)

Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default Value