Appendix G High Availability
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 573
Release 4.5, Revision 2
G.10.4.1 Synchronize Topology
In order to synchronize topology changes to the cluster, go to SMIT:
% smitty hacmp
Cluster Configuration
-> Cluster Topology
-> Synchronize Cluster Topology
This will take you to the “Synchronize Cluster Topology” SMIT window. Accept the defaults by
pressing<Enter>, and your topology should synchronize successfully. Of course there is always a
chance that something will fail, so if it does, go back through this section and make sure that you
followed all the steps correctly.
G.10.4.2 Synchronize Resources
To synchronize resource group changes to the cluster, go to SMIT:
% smitty hacmp
Cluster Configuration
-> Cluster Resources
-> Synchronize Cluster Resources
This will take you to the “Synchronize Cluster Resources” SMIT window. Accept the defaults by
pressing<Enter>, and your resources should synchronize successfully. Of course there is always a
chance that something will fail, so if it does, go back through this section and make sure that you
followed all the steps correctly.
G.10.4.3 Synchronize HA HPSS Files
Wheneveran administrator modifies a file in the /var/hahpss directory on one node, the changes
will likely need to be propagated to the other node in the cluster. To do this, use the/var/hahpss/
hpss_sync.ksh script:
The syntax is:
hpss_sync.ksh <remote_node>
For example, to sync the current node (hanode1) withhanode2:
% cd /var/hahpss
% ./hpss_sync.ksh hanode2
Updating hanode2 with local changes: