Appendix F Additional SSM Information
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 531
Release 4.5, Revision 2
preferencesmay be saved in disk files which SSM can automatically load each time the user
logsinto an SSM session. Preferences are saved in disk files in each user ’s SSM work area,
/opt/hpss/sammi/ssm_user/<user>, where<user> is an actual SSM username.
Whileeach SSM work area is owned by an SSM user, the SSM Data Server process is the entity
which actually writes and reads the preferences files. This means that in most cases, the Data
Server will be performing file operations in a directory which does not belong to it. This
introducespermissions problems which can interfere with the user’s ability to save and reload
SSMpreferences. The best way to avoid this problem is to have all SSM users in the same Unix
group as the SSM processes, and to set group “rwx” permissions on the SSM work area
F.5 Detailed Information on Setting Up an SSM User
TheHPSS User Management Utility, hpssuser,must be run as root to set up each SSM user. Use the
-aix, -dce, and -ssm flags to add a new user as an AIX user, a DCE principal, and an SSM user,
respectively.Use whichever of these flags are appropriate for each new SSM user,but do not use a
flagthat is not needed. Do not, for example, use -aix if the user already has an AIX account on the
SSM host. Use the -h flag to view a short summary of how to use hpssuser. Refer to the manual
page for thehpssuser utility in Section 12.2: HPSS Utility Manual Pages on page 293 of the HPSS
Management Guide for more usage information.
Operations performed byhpssuser are summarized below:
1. 1.If the -dce flag is specified, hpssuser creates a DCE principal entry and a DCE account
entryfor the new user in the DCE security registry. Youwill need to know the cell_admin
password for your DCE cell in order to do this.
2. If the -aix flag is specified, hpssuser adds the new user as an AIX user.
3. Ifthe -ssm flag is specified, you will be prompted for the hostname on which SSM will run
and the user security level. Thehpssuser utility will setup the SSM user as follows:
The Sammi API configuration file (/opt/hpss/bin/api_config.dat) is searched for
existing“console ID” numbers. Each Sammi user requires a unique console ID number.
Aftersearching through the API configuration file, hpssuser creates a new console ID
that is not yet in use.
SunONC RPC addresses are created for the two vital Sammi processes (s2_evtsvr and
s2_stream)by using the new console ID as part of each address. This results in a unique
set of RPC addresses for each console ID.
Threenew lines are added to the API configuration file. The first line is a comment line
thatincludes the user ’s name. The last two lines begin with logical_server,and define
theRPC address, RPC version number (equal to the console ID), and hostname (the one
you entered at the prompt earlier) for each of the two vital Sammi processes. This
informationis read by the SSM Data Server process at start-up, and is used by the Data
Server to contact the Sammi processes being run by a specific SSM user.
A new entry for the user is added to the Sammi User Authorization file /opt/hpss/