Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
262 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
6.5 Basic Server Configuration
AllHPSS servers use a similar metadata structure for the basic server configuration. A basic server
configuration entry must be created for each of the following server types:
Bitfile Server
DMAP Gateway
Gatekeeper Server
HPSS Startup Daemon
Location Server
Log Client
Log Daemon
Metadata Monitor
Migration/Purge Server
• Mover
Name Server
NFS Daemon
NFS Mount Daemon
Non-DCE Client Gateway
Physical Volume Library
Physical Volume Repository
Storage Server
Beforeconfiguring the HPSS servers, the planning guidelines for the HPSS servers as described in
Section 2.6:HPSS Server Considerations on page 62 should be carefully considered.
TheSSM System Manager basic configuration entry is usually created when the server is started
upfor the first time using the environment variables defined by the /opt/hpss/config/hpss_env
script. If the default values are not appropriate for the site's configuration, the administrator
should modify them using theBasic Server Configuration window described in the following
section and restart the System Manager rather than re-create a new entry. It is recommended that only one
SSM System Manager configuration entry be created to avoid possible loss of communication between the
HPSS servers and SSM.