Chapter 4 HPSS Installation
210 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
/opt/hpss/include/<HPSS include, idl, and tidl files>
/opt/hpss/msg/<HPSS message catalog>
/opt/hpss/tools/<HPSS tools>
/opt/hpss/man/<HPSS man pages>
/opt/hpss/config/<HPSS configuration scripts>
/opt/hpss/stk/<STK files>
/opt/hpss/sammi/hpss_ssm/<HPSS Sammi files>
/opt/hpss/src/<HPSS source files>
2. Inaddition, verify that the HPSS file ownerships and file permissions set by the installation
process are preserved as follows:
Executable files:rwxr-xr-x bin bin
Include files: r--r--r-- bin bin
Library files: r--r--r-- bin bin
Sammi files: r--r----- bin bin
Source files: r--r----- hpss hpss
Make files: rw-rw-r-- hpss hpss
After the HPSS Infrastructure Configuration is performed (as described in Chapter 5: HPSS
Infrastructure Configuration (page 215)), the permissions of the files in the following directory are
changed by themkhpss script as follows:
/opt/hpss/sammi/hpss_ssm: rw-rw---- hpss hpss
The HPSS file permissions can be further restricted or relaxed according to the site’s policy.
However, this should be done carefully so that the new permissions will not cause problems for
HPSS. Special care should be exercised when changing the permission for the Sammi files. A
number of Sammi data files require read/write access by the SSM user in order for Sammi to run
correctly,even though it may not be obvious that a user needs write access to a particular file. The
Sammi files as installed by the HPSS installation procedure should allow read/write access to all
configuredSSM users. When changing the permissions set by the installation process, ensure that
the new permissions will not disable part or all of the configured SSM sessions.
4.5.2 Remake HPSS
The HPSS software package includes the binaries required by HPSS and no additional "make" is
needed. However, due to special circumstances, it may be necessary for a site to rebuild the
binaries. If rebuilding the HPSS binaries is required, the following should be performed: