Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 285
Release 4.5, Revision 2
6.6.2 Configure the Purge Policies
A purge policy is associated with a disk storage class and defines the criteria by which data is
purgedfrom that storage class once migration has copied that data to storage classes at lower levels
in the storage hierarchies.
A single basic purge policy must be assigned to any disk storage class which requires purge
services. This basic purge policy determines the purge parameters for this storage class across all
storagesubsystems. This is the simplest way to control purge on a storage class. If it is desired for
purge on a storage class to behave differently within different subsystems, storage subsystem
specific purge policies may be added which override the default values in the basic policy for the
givenstorage class in the selected subsystem. The storage subsystem specific purge policies share
the same purge Policy ID and Policy Name with the basic policy.
Both basic and subsystem specific purge policies are created using thePurge Policy window. The
basicpolicy must be created before it is possible to create the subsystem specific policies. After the
policies are created, they may be viewed, updated, or deleted using the same window. From the
HPSS Health and Status window (shown in Figure 6-1 on page 252), click on theAdmin menu,
select theConfigure HPSS option, and click on the Purge Policies option.
The Purge Policy window will be displayed as shown in Figure 6-8 on page 287. The fields in the
basic policy are displayed with default values for a new policy. If the default data for the basic
policy is not desired, change the necessary fields with the desired values. Click on theAdd Basic
buttonto write the new basic policy to the metadata file. To configure a subsystem specific policy,
selectan existing basic policy as described below. Once the existing basic policy is displayed, click
on theStart New button on the Storage Subsystem-Specific Policy portion of thePurge Policy
window.The fields in the new subsystem specific policy are displayed with data extracted from the
Migrate At Critical
Threshold A flag that indicates a
migration run should be
started immediately when
the storage class critical
thresholdis exceeded. This
option applies to disk
migration only.
Storage Subsystem The descriptive name of
the storage subsystem to
which a subsystem-
specific policy applies.
This field is filled in with
the selected storage
subsystem name at the
time a subsystem specific
policy is created and may
not be changed
The descriptive name of any
existing storage subsystem. None

Table 6-4 Migration Policy Configuration Variables (Continued)

Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default