Chapter 3 System Preparation
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 179
Release 4.5, Revision 2
D. Createhpssadm user keytab files
% mkdir -p /var/hpss/ssm/keytabs
% cd /var/hpss/ssm/keytabs
For eachhpssadm user on this machine, create DCE keytab file. This example creates
a keytab file for userjoe:
% dce_login cell_admin
% rgy_edit
rgy_edit> ktadd -f keytab.joe -p joe
(Need to enter joe's password twice)
rgy_edit> ktadd -f keytab.joe -p joe -r
rgy_edit> exit
Eachhpssadm user must specify his keytab file as an argument to the utility:
hpssadm -k /var/hpss/ssm/keytabs/keytab.joe
4. Rememberto update the SSMDS certificate when it expires. See Section 3.8.3: Configuring
SSL on page 183 for instructions. Using the No-Java Version of the Data Server
To use the no-Java version of the Data Server:
1. Save the Java versions of the executable and shared library files:
cp bin/hpss_ssmds bin/
cp lib/libssmds.a lib/
On Solaris:
cp bin/hpss_ssmds bin/
cp lib/ lib/
2. Then install the no-Java versions:
cp bin/hpss_ssmds.nojava bin/hpss_ssmds
cp lib/libssmds.a.nojava lib/libssmds.a
On Solaris:
cp bin/hpss_ssmds.nojava bin/hpss_ssmds
cp lib/ lib/