Chapter 3 System Preparation
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 201
Release 4.5, Revision 2
CopyCount & Skip Factor - These control multiple copies. Typically these are
setfor 1 or 2 copies on tape (with a disk level at the top of the hierarchy). If not
one of these, what is the rationale?
RequestCount - Verify that the request counts (remember that more than one
disk SC can use the same migration policy) do not appear to make
unreasonabledemands on the available tape drives – e.g., if all migrations run
at once are there enough drives to service all the migrations? Given the
workload is that scenario likely? In that case, what are the requirements for
retrieving files that must come from tape?
Flags - If all flags (“FWC”) are not on, what is the rationale?
Purge Policy List
LastAccess Interval - Again this is ideally defined by the workload – for a file
on disk, how long after it has been accessed (read, most likely) is it unlikely
that it will be read again anytime soon. Typically something like 60 minutes
seems to be reasonable.
Start & Stop Space Used Thresholds
Accounting Policy - None
Log Policy List - Verify logging levels are reasonable. For every server other than
the Mover, that currently means “AE------ AE-“. For the Mover, add ‘D’ to enable
DEBUG logging.
Location Policy List - None
File Family List - None
Name Server - None
Bitfile Server
MaxI/O & Max Copy Requests - Verify that these values are reasonable given
the anticipated workload and available resources (core server power, storage
devices,etc.). As noted before, these values must be compared the thread pool
sizein the tape Storage Server to eliminate the possibility of a deadlock during
heavy load.
DefaultCOS - Verify that this is a reasonable value (some sights actually use a
bogusvalue if they elect to not allow files to be created without specifying an
explicit COS).
COS Copy to Disk - For change of COS operations, should the files be copied
tothe disk level of the hierarchy or the tape level? Verify the desired setting is
PVR List