Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 117
Release 4.5, Revision 2
SS Tape Physical Volumes. The tape PV metadata file describes each tape physical volume
importedinto HPSS. The number of records in this file will therefore equal the total number of tape
cartridges that will be managed by this Storage Server.
SS Tape Virtual Volumes. The tape VV metadata file describes all tape virtual volumes created by
thisStorage Server. Each VV is described by a separate record in this file. The number of VV records
should be approximately equal to the number of tape physical volumes divided by the average
stripe width of the managed tape PVs. Gatekeeper Metadata
The Gatekeeper Server is the primary user of the following SFS metadata file:
Account Validation File (acctvalidate)
Account Validation File. This metadata file is used by the Account Validation Services of the
Gatekeeperto determine which users are authorized to use which account indices. This file is only
used when Account Validation is enabled and Site-style accounting is being used. Each record
contains information about a user, an account index number, and an account name. One or more
usersmay share a single account index. This file must be maintained by the site using the Account
Validation Metadata Editor (see Section 12.2.23:hpss_avaledit — Account Validation Editor on page
366 of theHPSS Management Guide for details). PVL Metadata
The PVL is the primary user of the following SFS metadata files (the default SFS filenames are
shown in parentheses):
PVL Drives (pvldrive)
PVL Physical Volumes (pvlpv)
PVL Jobs (pvljob)
PVL Activities (pvlactivity)
PVL Drives. Each record in the PVL drive metadata file describes a single drive managed by the
PVL. The number of PVL drives will be equal to the total number of Mover disk and tape devices.
PVLPhysical Volumes. Every physical volume, whether disk or tape, must be imported into HPSS
through the PVL. Each import operation creates a new record in this metadata file describing the
PV.The number of records in the file will equal the total number of disk physical volumes that will
be defined as well as the total number of tape cartridges that will be imported.
PVLJobs. A single PVL job involves one or more PVL activities. For example, when reading from
a 4-way tape volume, a single PVL job would be generated consisting of four PVL activities (one
for each cartridge mount request). Depending on how many concurrent I/O requests are allowed
to flow through the Tape Storage Server and PVL at any given time, this metadata file should not
grow beyond a few hundred records. However, a PVL job is also created for each disk physical
volume, so the total number of disk physical volumes should be added to this number.