Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 341
Release 4.5, Revision 2
6.8.7 Migration Purge Server Specific Configuration
TheMigration/Purge Server specific configuration entry can be created using the Migration/Purge
ServerConfiguration window. After the configuration entry is created, it can be viewed, updated,
or deleted through the same window.
Fromthe HPSS Health and Status window (shown in Figure 6-1), click on the Admin menu, select
theConfigure HPSS option and click on theServers option. The HPSS Servers window will be
displayed as shown in Figure 6-5.

Table 6-21 Metadata Monitor Configuration Variables

Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default
Server Name The descriptive name of
the MMON. This name is
copied over from the
MMON general
configuration entry.
This field cannot be modified. It is
displayed for reference only. The selected
Server ID TheUUID of the Metadata
Monitor.This ID is copied
over from the MMON
general configuration
The UUID of the MMON. This
field cannot be modified. It is
displayed for reference only.
from the
SFS Volume Warning
Threshold A percentage value that
indicates when warning
alarms should be issued.
The MMON will issue
warning alarms to SSM
when the space used by
any SFS volume reaches
this percentage.
Integer value between 1 and 100. 75
SFS Volume Critical
Threshold A percentage value that
indicates when critical
alarms should be issued.
The MMON will issue
critical alarms to SSM
when the space used by
any SFS volume reaches
this percentage.
Integer value between 1 and 100. 90
SFS Update Interval An indication of how often
(in seconds) the SFS
server should be queried.
Integer value between 60 and 600. 300
SFS Name The name of the Encina
SFS server to monitor. ValidDCE CDS name that refers to
a valid Encina SFS server. /.:/encina/sfs/