Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 297
Release 4.5, Revision 2 Logging Policy Window
The Logging Policy window will be displayed as shown in Figure 6-11 on page 299. The Logging
Policyfor a configured server may be accessed from the HPSS Servers window, and from the Basic
Server Configuration window for that server. With either of the last two methods, the Logging
Policy window opens with the server name already filled in.
Ifthe Logging Policy for the selected server does not exist, the fields will be displayed with default
values for a new policy. Otherwise, the configured policy will be displayed.
Toadd a new policy, change the default fields as desired and click on the Add button to createthe
Toupdate an existing policy, modify the desiredfields and click on the Update button to write the
changes to the SFS file.
To delete an existing policy, click on theDelete button to delete the policy.
The following log message types can be specified for logging and/or SSM display:
Alarm—definesa high-level error condition of interest to the administrator. Typically,the
policy would be to send alarms to both the log and to SSM for displaying in the HPSS
Alarms and Events window (see Figure 1-5 on page 38 of theHPSS Management Guide).
SSM Types Recordtypes that are to be
sent to SSM for display. Any combination of the following:
Alarm, Event, Status. Values from
the Default
Policy entry.
If no Default
Policy name,
the default is
Advice: If SSM or system performance is degraded because excessive messages are
being sent to SSM by a particular server(s), set the Logging Policy to filter out
Alarmand Event record types. However, the HPSS administrator will lose visibility
into any subsequent Alarm or Event messages from that server(s).
Since anything can be typed into theDescriptive Name field, it is easy to make
typos if you use theStart New button to create logging policies for preconfigured
servers. For instance, if you enter "bfs" (lower case) as the logging policy
descriptivename for a server whose Server Name is "BFS" (upper case), the logging
policy "bfs" will not define the logging policy for server "BFS". To avoid this
mistake,it is recommended that logging policies for configured servers be created by
clickingthe Log Policy button on the HPSS Servers window which automatically
fillsin the name of the selected server as the server's logging policy descriptive name.
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values Default