Appendix G High Availability
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 563
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Figure H-13 Adding an Application Server to a Resource Group
G.5.2.3 Bring Down the Cluster
Nowthat the cluster is back in sync and that it knows how to run the hpss_stop.ksh script, it’s time
to bring down the cluster. However, HACMP doesn’t yet know how to stop HPSS, SFS, and DCE
(itwon’t know that until the cluster is synchronized in the next step), so you’ll need to shut HPSS,
SFS, and DCE down manually.
AfterHPSS, SFS, and DCE are down, bring down the cluster. Refer to Section G.10.2: Shutdown the
Cluster on page 571 for details.
G.5.2.4 Re-Synchronize the Cluster Resources
Thisis just like synchronizing resources like you did in Section G.4.3.8: Synchronize Cluster Resources
on page 557.