Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 455
Release 4.5, Revision 2
For DFS, this file consists of a number of lines that describe the aggregates and the filesets that
resideon that aggregate. Each aggregate is described by a line that begins in the first column. After
theline for each aggregate are the lines that describe the filesets that reside on that aggregate. Fileset
linesbegin with a TAB character. Any line that begins in column one is treated as the definition for
an aggregate.
An aggregate configuration line contains the following information:
path media fsid option migratePolicy purgePolicy stageType
and the format for a fileset configuration line is:
<TAB> ftname global local ftid gateway port
ForXFS, each filesystem is listed on a single line beginning in column one. The format of this line is:
name global media option migratePolicy purgePolicy MPQueueSize \
ftid gateway port
The following is an example HPSS/DFS filesys.dat:
# HDM filesys.dat version 1
# Sample filesys.dat
/opt/dcelocal/var/dfs/aggrs/bkup1 /dev/bkup1 2 archive/delete wait \
run partial
new.bkup ? ? 0.292 ? 0 # We haven't specified this yet
hpss.bkup NO_MOUNT_POINT NO_MOUNT_POINT 0.232 tardis 7001
/opt/dcelocal/var/dfs/aggrs/mirror1 /dev/mirror1 4 mirrored run wait \
new.mirror ? ? 0.295 ? 0
hpss.mirror /:/hpss/mirror /var/hpss/hdm/hdm1/aggr/mirror1 \
hpss.mirror 0.361 7001
# HDM filesys.dat version 1
The following is an example HPSS/XFS filesys.dat:
# HDM filesys.dat version 1
# Sample filesys.dat
xfsbackup1 /mnt/xfsbackup1 ide0(3,74) archive/rename run wait 10000 \
1079914467.1018724031 7001
xfsbackup2 /mnt/xfsbackup2 ide0(3,75) archive/delete run wait 10000 \
1079914467.1019508245 7001
# HDM filesys.dat version 1
Following is a description of the parameters for a DFS aggregate:
Pathspecifies the path name where DFS mounts the aggregate. Typically, this is /opt/dcelocal/var/
dfs/aggrs/aggrname, whereaggrname is the name of the aggregate.
Mediaspecifies the device file for the aggregate. Typically,this is /dev/aggrname, where aggrname
is the name of the aggregate.